Episode 5

05. Enter the Womb Room - Safa Boga, Kimiya Healing

Published on: 15th February, 2023

#FYSHY family, when was the last time you considered the womb you came from?

We are calling you to womb in this outstanding and clarifying episode with master healer & womb alchemist, Safa Boga.

Her Kimiya Healing Podcast on youtube & spotify is absolutely mind-blowing, and the subjects are so relevant to our modern life and highly valuable. I highly recommend giving it a listen after we pour into womb guided by divine instruction in this epic conversation.

Just before we do that I would like to invite you to invite others to rate the show on Apple or Spotify.

I’m hosting this show because after unraveling all of the medical lies I had been told about Endometriosis, I educated myself, and I was able to heal myself. Whether it's Endometriosis or any other painful disorder labeled as 'chronic', we expose the lesser-known solutions that can heal your mind, body & spirit. 

I also created an ongoing art series about it titled, Every Phase–powerfully illustrating how I healed myself living by the phases of the female cycle infradian rhythm clock.  This month we’re in the follicular phase and in this month's featured piece I have decided to create something I have never shown before - a portrait of my pain - how it looked, and what it became. Follow the series & watch for its release on the last Friday of this month and be the first to see it by subscribing at meredithochoa.com

While you’re on the site be sure to pick up a signed copy of my book, Face Your Shit, Heal Yourself, capturing all of the art pieces from the first year of the series.

Even though I was lied to for years by big pharma, I was able to find experts who helped me achieve the impossible. This space introduces them to you.

Today we are chatting with womb alchemy expert & creator of Kimiya healing, Safa Boga. Safa is an expert in somatic trauma healing, womb alchemy, and energy healing. She has helped thousands of people around the world transform their lives and heal chronic health conditions. She brings a unique and profound depth of embodied spiritual wisdom & experience to facilitate deeper realms of healing than is ordinarily available. Those who heal with her call it 'miraculous, beyond imagination and life-changing.'

Safa also teaches somatic therapists, psychotherapists, doctors, artists, healers, and shamans at the School of Healing Alchemy.

She is a qualified cranio-sacral therapist and has a Master's degree in Transpersonal Psychology. She lives in London with her cat Rambo and enjoys gardening, playing guitar, and traveling.

Check out her website at...

Safa's Website

Learn more about the womb room at...


Connect with her on...

@kimiya_healing on Instagram Safa on YouTube


00:00 Introduction

06:40 #1 Ego Death = The Creation of Womb Alchemy

14:54 #2 Cosmic Womb + Womb Healing for Men

23:10 #3 The Womb + Throat connection

30:16 #4 Start & Stop this for womb health

32:53 #5 Conscious birth & conception

36:14 #6 Pain & Curiousity

40:08 #7 Trauma Informed Psychedelic work

44:52 #8 Normalizing Psychedelic Plant Medicine

50:59 #9 Biohacking with Art

Key takeaways

  • How 'ego death' brought about the creation of womb alchemy
  • Men have 'womb' as well and can access their creative power by integrating this energy.
  • In addition to the physical womb in our bodies, there is an overarching cosmic womb that is the invisible foundation around our reality.
  • How to use Plant Medicine & Trauma Informed Psychedelic work to reach new levels of awareness and healing
  • The womb, heart & throat connection, the vagus nerve & somatic trauma release
  • The fetus developing in utero - one depression forming the reproductive tract and one depression forms the mouth. Before we can even think we already have these membranes being molded through the fluidic body of womb in a mirror image of each other at the same time.

If you liked the episode or you think it would be useful for someone else, please leave a review on Apple, Spotify, Youtube, or (especially) podchaser

If there is a woman you know who is struggling with period pain, the foundation of how I healed myself began with reading Womancode & In The Flo by Alisa Vitti.

👉Use my code MEREDITH12117 to get 50% off your first month of her life-changing Cycle Syncing Membership Link here

You can also pick up a signed copy of my printed book with a list of resources and doctors that helped me, and remember, as always...

The truth will set you free.

ALL art + photo services

podcast insta = @faceyourshithealyourself

art insta = @meredithwochoa



Linkedin= Meredith Ochoa


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[00:01:22] Meredith: Definitely go give it a listen after we pour into womb guided by divine instruction in this epic conversation. Just before we do that, I would like to invite you to invite others to rate this show on Apple and Spotify. I'm hosting this show because after unraveling all of the medical lies I had been told about endometriosis, I educated myself and I was able to heal myself after 17 years of debilitating pain, whether it's endo or any other painful.


[00:02:21] Meredith: A portrait of my pain, how it looked, and then what it became. Follow the series to watch for its release on the last Friday of the month. And be the first to see it by subscribing on my website@meredithooa.com. While you're on the site, be sure to pick up a signed copy of my book face. Your should Heal Yourself capturing all of the art pieces from the first year of the series.


[00:03:07] Meredith: She has helped thousands of people around the world transform their lives in heal chronic health conditions. She brings a unique and profound depth of embodied spiritual wisdom and experience to facilit. Deeper realms of healing than is ordinarily available. Those who heal with her call it miraculous beyond imagination and life-changing.


[00:03:57] Oh, Safa. Boga. I am so happy to have you here on face. Your should Heal Yourself. You are the perfect person to be on a show that is named, that is named about something so irreverent, yet really deep.


[00:04:39] Meredith: Thanks. Thanks for implementing that name in your work. Which we'll talk about. But before we do that, I gotta ask, what did you have for breakfast this morning, ?


[00:05:04] . And I'm really recognizing now the importance of nourishing my body as part of the healing journey, really taking care of. Yeah,


[00:05:26] Safa: or Sunday.


[00:05:37] Meredith: Yeah. It's been like 50,000 years since anyone saw this thing. So it's pretty special.


[00:05:51] Safa: if I was wearing green today, it would've been even more powerful.


[00:06:04] Safa: You got the green lady standing right behind you.


[00:06:30] Meredith: She's


[00:06:39] Meredith: Yeah. Yeah.

Ego Death = The Creation of Womb Alchemy


[00:06:56] Safa: So I, I was working at the time with plant medicines. speaking of green,being really guided and led by plants like aca.


[00:07:38] Safa: And I was like, Call the people to wear to womb. And I didn't know anything about womb, my womb work, nothing. Like I hadn't read a book. I hadn't done a course, nothing. I was working as a healer at the time, so I had my practice set up. But I didn't imagine I would ever be doing womb work. And as I inquired into this voice, I was being told that womb is matrix, womb is the Latin word for matrix.


[00:08:39] Safa: Please don't ask for further details, but if you fill the call, jump in. And within 24 hours, a hundred people joined me for the first ever womb room. and it was a 10 day journey. I was guided for it to be 10 days. And it was completely, intuitively, orchestrated. It ended up being, um, a very, very profound experience of rebirth.


[00:09:27] Safa: And the final healing ceremony was something that even I haven't really been able to put into words, and I let other people put it into words. and they kind of described like, Just having their eyes closed and seeing all of this, like cosmic fireworks, like exploding from their womb and a feeling of being completely immersed in divine light and seeing themselves as divine forces in a human body.


[00:10:24] Safa: and went with, cause I didn't have a expected outcome. I didn't have anything in my mind that I wanted to do with it. It was just, let's do this because we're being told we need to call the people. And so through the journey and also through my healing work in various different modalities, I discovered that I have a sensitivity that's kind of freakish to be able to feel at a very deep level the way people's ancestral structures and prenatal structures vibrate through their nervous system and energy field.


[00:11:26] Safa: And then the inner child work, which we all know so, so well, and we've, we've all done that and we've journeyed through our inner child and then into the feminine body and even the masculine, body and healing our relational wounds and going all the way on that journey through various levels of healing trauma coming into the spiritual reality and our own spiritual bodies and accessing then the kind of what I call the great mother and the great father frequency.


[00:11:58] Meredith: Yeah.


[00:12:33] so this is the journey really. It's the journey from our collective, programs, collective trauma, all the way through to our personal biographical, ancestral, relational, and all the way into our spiritual, reality and potential.


[00:12:52] , I smiled because, you know, mother, father, creator, and I are homies, so we've had many conversations.


[00:13:16] Safa: Yeah.


[00:13:37] Meredith: So you inherently have a responsibility there my body as you said that, Well, I mean, you know better than anyone and I think it's definitely something the womb everyone takes for granted. Yeah. We came here to this experience through a womb and it's something we don't recognize.


[00:14:07] Safa: like you were saying. Absolutely. Absolutely. It's not survival. It's so much more than that. , it's even exactly as you said it, it's evolution. And, we've seen that on a, at a collective level with, the lockdowns, pandemics, and.


[00:14:41] Safa: And the one thing that we have in common at all these levels is womb. , whatever. We're working on it, we can trace it back to womb. Whatever kind of trauma we're healing, we can understand it within the framework of womb.

Cosmic Womb + Womb Healing for Men


[00:15:06] Safa: Yeah, this is, something that I've kind of discovered through meditation, meditative states, expanded states of consciousness and experience myself. the whole experience of womb is like so multidimensional. We've got the physical womb, which we know as women. We have the kind of energetic wound space, which is often where we are imprinted on by the ancestral structures.


[00:15:56] Safa: State of being is that empty nothingness, the blackness, the nothing. And from that which creation comes. So for me, womb work is, and womb alchemy is really taking people on the journey through the whole spectrum. And that doesn't exclude men. In fact, it very much includes men. And we have always had men join us in womb, usually called by their partners, but sometimes, they call themselves to womb.


[00:16:51] Safa: And when we look at our conditioning and our programming, and when men look at why they are the way they are, if they understood what their mother was feeling at the time of conception and what the mother was going through during pregnancy, and how mother's emotions and emotional state, nervous system state directly has shaped their own nervous system state and therefore what they believe about themselves, it can really be a force of guidance to understand those deeper things that often I find men struggle to verbalize often as women.


[00:17:50] Safa: So when empty space is being imprinted on, the imprints are even more felt in the womb. cause their true state is empty, the divine masculine. So at that level, it's really important to understand for men to understand who they are when they're doing that former healing work, that inner inner child work.


[00:18:38] Safa: With his own womb. And in Chinese medicine they call it or hara, which is that energetic space down there where we, as women would call it womb. And men also have wombs. So sometimes people are surprised when I say men have womb too. And until they start meditating there, focusing there and feeling what that space is, they can go their entire lives not knowing they have womb just because they don't bleed in birth from womb.


[00:19:35] Safa: And that shows him more of who he is, which is what he's looking for. And so at an interpersonal level, to be able to connect, interact in a way that really allows him to see who he is accessing his womb, his sexual energy, and being in touch with that in a way that's not just about physical short-term pleasure, but is actually about his creative power.


[00:20:23] Safa: This space within them, so, right. From a point of view of channeling and harnessing sexual energy and also spiritually, what I've seen in like visions and ceremonies and in my own healing work and room alchemy is men, as I said, they're the empty space, so they're very close to the void, as close as it gets, and they heal very differently from women, much more direct, much more clear.


[00:21:03] Safa: So they hold the space and the women are jumping into the womb and they're spiraling and they're healing and they're moving, and all the emotions are coming through and the, the creativity and everything. And they are there still holding because they already know. So it really allows womb work from men really allows them to, to harness their divine masculine and to stay still in their kingdom.


[00:21:42] Meredith: Cuz it's always through the contrast that we're able to even realize anything about ourselves, like what we want, what we don't want. Absolutely. all that stuff.


[00:21:59] Safa: And the God that is him is like a shield. It has to absorb a lot of the human collective projection of God, right? . And it's until we go beyond that barrier. And we're willing to go into the sacredness of God as a goddess. creator as goddess. Right. That's, and it's almost using God as a hymn is like protecting the sacredness of the feminine.


[00:22:26] Meredith: Oh, totally. No, and for everyone it's whatever you resonate with. there's many different paths to go to the same place. But the, the oneness and the polarity, it's really, you realize the oneness through the polarity of masculine and feminine. and that at the higher levels there is none.


[00:22:55] Safa: tripping. Yeah. I remember in certain ceremonies looking around and you open your eyes and you're in very deep and everything is just white light.


The womb + throat connection


[00:23:28] Meredith: It reads, the reality is the womb is an integrated system inherently connected to our throat and our heart, our center of intelligence, and knowing and our ability to speak our truth. Tell us more about this connection. So powerful. And the importance of the somatic trauma release, which is just connected straight to this.


[00:24:13] Safa: It's very sacred. So, at a physical level, we've talked about the fetus developing in utero. We've all been through that journey. And the embryo as it's developing actually has these two tiny, almost like depressions. In the membrane structure and one depression before even the spinal cord develops.


[00:25:01] Safa: Interesting. When we think about how we relate, where we speak from, and, fact structurally the jaw and our pelvis are connected through the fascial system. So, a lot of us as women, we hold a lot of tension in our jaw and also that will be reflected in the pelvic floor and. Our vagus nerve, which, for anyone doing somatic healing work, we'll know about, the importance of the vagus nerve.


[00:25:52] Safa: What makes us one within what makes us whole and what makes us able to stay in our midline is when the bridge between the throat and the heart and the womb are, the bridge is connected. Right. And if you look at it energetically, it's it's like a golden axis. . . Okay. So when it comes to,somatic trauma release work, something that is often overlooked is for, especially for men, is the importance of releasing trauma, tension, contraction, and fear that is held in the pelvis.


[00:26:49] Safa: That's certainly what my journey was like. And then maybe even childbirth takes us into a more difficult relationship with our womb. But all along, we have a relationship with our womb. It may not be an easy one, but it's a relationship with our womb. And for men, they also have this relationship where it's much more elusive.


[00:27:33] Safa: It mirrors back to us our identity, not just our pelvic. Not just our reproductive health. Yeah, it's, it actually is a mirror to our identity, what we have created. Because what we receive into our womb energetically is what we accept for ourselves. So it's where we see ourselves. So doing, yeah, somatic work and energetic work around clearing the womb and reintegrating the pelvis to the rest of the system structurally, emotionally, energetically.


[00:28:25] Meredith: Yeah, it does. We're looking for us . We're looking for you it. That's what you're looking for. And it's, this whole thing is about right. That's what this whole thing is about. And it's, it is, we're laughing about it and it's, it is funny, but on another level it's very profound. It is ex it is. So it is the most intimacy.


[00:29:14] Meredith: Especially what you were saying about men, I was just talking about this the other day in a new, cuz we're always having just new layers of healing kind of reveal to us. And I was like, oh my God. I. Was holding on to my pain as a form of connection with other people in my life that I desired closeness with.


[00:30:04] Meredith: Yeah. Yeah. So what would you recommend for people to start doing today and stop doing today? To heal their womb. . Yeah.

Start & Stop this for womb health


[00:30:31] Safa: Just holding the possibility that there's something for you to discover about yourself, about your potential in your womb. That's the first thing, cuz the first step is always gonna be awareness and then a willingness. So the willingness comes from understanding that yes, we have this body and we can do a lot of work in different areas of our body and with different, different chakras.


[00:31:22] Safa: Everything you do will be anchored in when you can process it and integrate it through the wound, cuz then you carry it with you literally. . And I think things like, systems of medicating ourselves that disconnect us from our natural rhythm cycles, from our sensitivity as well, that can, that needs to be at some point.


[00:32:08] Safa: And things that we feel could completely destroy us. Well, why would we want to be destroyed? And it goes back to, how did I get into this? This work? Ego death. I didn't want to be destroyed. It is the most terrifying experience of my life. And every ego death has been, it doesn't get easier. It's if it's real ego death, it's absolutely terrifying.


Conscious birth & conception


[00:33:19] Safa: All leading to internal sensation. It takes us to the importance of conscious conception, of conscious birth.


[00:33:54] Safa: Of, I'm a mistake. My existence, my, my very existence is uncertain. And then we have children at the age of four, five years old with severe anxiety. Seeing psychiatrists who aren't, who are not necessarily asking them, asking the families about the conception process, the birth process, the ancestral history, and it's the child.


[00:34:49] Safa: Baby grow in that environment. How could you,


[00:35:13] Safa: If we're gonna create life and if we start working at that end of the scale, which is real prevention rather than cure, then we don't really even have to think about, trauma therapy later on in life as adults. Cuz who wants to spend that adult life in trauma therapy, , you know what I mean? right.


[00:35:52] Safa: They knew that they were safe. from an inside level, you are safe, you're held, you're loved, you're wanted, your existence is celebrated, your birth is celebrated. And how many of us grew up feeding that?


Pain & Curiousity


[00:36:35] , this is the challenge of the human experience. . So it is challenging, and this is what we are here really to do collectively to understand the sacredness of womb.


[00:36:55] the meaning we assigned pain and the meaning we assign to, everything our pelvic issues or our parents and all of that. It's, it's really just a messenger. and it's up to us to really look at that instead of what you were saying about, the escapism that's just so prevalent in our society.


[00:37:22] Safa: Yeah. And it's not easy to interpret sensations, especially the subtle sensations. We will often interpret womb sensations and, oh, that must mean there's something wrong.


[00:37:55] Safa: Maybe there's some kind of synchrony, maybe there's some kind of dance inside me. Maybe there's some kind of music inside me. We don't go there. We go, oh gosh, that's a bit uncomfortable. I don't really wanna explore that. Let me take some pa, Panadol or whatever. You guys, what are you guys taking in the us?


[00:38:15] painkillers. Yeah. I mean, sure. But then at the same time, it's like, you know what? If you need a fucking painkiller, take one. But it's the way that you're taking it. It's am I taking this cuz, oh, I'm a prisoner and I'm a slave to my pain.


[00:38:50] Meredith: Oh my God. there's something wrong. There's something wrong with me constantly. I have a stomach ache. There's some means there's something wrong. No, it doesn't. It is what exactly what it is, but it's the attitude in which like, oh, okay, now the stomach ache or now the period pain rules my life, so I have to do these behaviors that are now shaped by this pain, by this something being wrong.


[00:39:29] it is wild. Yeah. And I just think there's so much that we, I think there's more that we can do ra rather than things that we shouldn't do.


[00:39:58] Safa: And is there something more to it? this, Organ that can create and nourish life. Is there something more?


Trauma Informed Psychedelic work


[00:40:32] Meredith: Yeah, and it's so important to talk about it and that I'd like to know your thoughts on what a new sort of normal in the world would look like or within the spiritual healing community would look like for you.


[00:41:06] Safa: There's so many amazing people sharing on Instagram, through different mediums like yourself, through art podcasting. So there's already so much happening. I would say I would like to see more trauma informed, psychedelic work taking place. I still think there's a lot of retreats out there in different places in the world, in the jungle, and they're taking people in to do, very deep, to give them access to very deep dimensions of consciousness through sacred plants.


[00:42:03] Safa: I, in general, I think spiritual healing work does need to be more grounded and more trauma informed, because I have come across a lot of people who, they're accessing modalities and, paradigms and philosophies and vocabularies of healing that are giving them something, but the physical body is the same, still got chronic health conditions.


[00:42:57] Safa: So there's a real shadow to all of this. And the shadow is just the unconscious really. It's the kind of self ignorance. So I think spiritual work comes at a point and comes. It's always, it's always there. Spirit is working through everything and it's always available. But I am also very structured person.


[00:43:39] Safa: I've never been to talking therapy, I haven't done any shadow work or inner inner child healing. That to me is a, a dangerous path cuz you get access to certain levels of information, but you're trying to integrate it, integrate that into a body that you are not in. So then you right, you roll back and then you end up falling into often the victim shadow, which is I've done so much healing, how am I still here?


[00:44:06] Meredith: totally. You're just spot on with that. And it's both exactly like you said, it's not either or. Oh, I do spiritual instead of the biological, oh, I'm only gonna do what my doctor says. Oh, I'm only gonna do what this guru says. It's both, it's everything you know, and it's you. At the base of all of it.


Normalizing Psychedelic Plant Medicine


[00:45:09] Safa: So the preparation before you do this kind of work, and then the integration after. Because a lot of the time it's just, okay, you can come to a retreat, you can do the retreat, and then once you go back to your life, you're on your own. like when we start working with Sacred Plant teachers, it's not just the ceremony, it's not the ceremony, really.


[00:45:47] Safa: I think it would make the work much, much safer, much deeper, much more, much more real. And I think Spirit wants us to go there. Spirit is, has created this physical experience, so we can't just completely bypass it and go, okay, well I'm gonna go find a guru in India and sit in a cave and learn mantras for five years.




[00:46:48] Safa: Yeah, absolutely. every single ceremony that I've had has actually felt like years and years of healing work and has changed my life.


[00:47:17] Meredith: Exactly. You have to be ready. Like you said, you have to be asking and you have to be ready to listen cuz you're gonna get messages.


[00:47:29] Safa: Absolutely. Absolutely. Well said. it's a real deep listening activity. I just think there's a lot of great work happening in like community-based work. we are seeing so many more women's circles, men's circles, men's groups now, and I think that's where really powerful deep healing comes about because pe ordinary people are realizing that they're actually healers and their journey.


[00:48:10] Safa: There is no, everyone is in it. You are in the mix. It's complete. It's a completely even ground for people to


[00:48:44] Meredith: So it's like that connection with other people. It. it is very important. And that support, it's something that everyone needs. Not saying anything against sovereignty or being, but it's both. It's not one or the other. It's like you need that to even create the sovereignty and the, independence and oneness and all of that.


[00:49:07] I definitely resonate with that and of, I have spent certain periods of my ti of my life in solitude thinking and feeling at the time that was the right thing for me to do because I really didn't wanna be attempt, kind of didn't want my piece to be interrupted by anybody. I was, getting a lot of downloads and receiving a lot of, kind of mystical insights and I was very absorbed by it.


[00:50:10] Safa: And the key for me was vulnerability. to be vulnerable, even after all the work and all the evolution to still come out and be. Show fragility and show uncertainty and show mistakes and show myself and be silly and not think I, I'm gonna be judged and really just show up in vulnerability, emotional vulnerability, not thinking that you need to have meditated, dissolved all your emotions away.


Biohacking with Art


[00:51:07] I don't know if you're ready, but I'm ready. Are you ready? I'm so


[00:51:12] Meredith: Okay. You're womb ready? You are freaking born ready . So, if you had to describe your healing work with any art medium, how would you make it and what would you choose?


[00:51:37] Meredith: Oh, man.


[00:52:06] Safa: And it was almost too much for me to look at because I knew that's not me. That's so much bigger than me. Can I even look at that? How do I relate to that? And that's something that I've birthed, seven years ago. . And it's still a lot for me to look at. So I would say my medium would be light and mirrors and gold,sacred geometrical gold laser.


[00:52:38] Meredith: Perfect. I love it. I think of pyrite a lot when you say that too. You know the stone pyrite? Yes. It's beautiful and it almost, it's gold, but it also has it reflects too, cuz it has that metallic about it. really cool because it, so it's almost kind of like a gold mirror.


[00:53:01] Safa: are, that's really interesting. I've always looked at pyro, but I've never actually got a piece of pyrite for myself. It's very, I understand it's related to abundance. Pyro, yes.


[00:53:27] really cool. Again, it's not pyrite, but the Polish pieces are more like, than pyro would be peace and it is hard to find usually. Yeah. .


[00:53:43] Meredith: Yeah. Yeah. They're amazing crystals in my life, and hopefully soon to be yours




[00:54:18] Meredith: We'll have all this listed in the show notes, as well, the actual links, but where can they find you?


[00:54:47] That is the best answer ever. It's the most honest answer. How do you really find me? Yeah. The cosmic womb. And you'll know you'll get a real response. Yeah. Yeah. You'll


[00:55:05] Safa: I firmly believe that they're actually called. Yes.


[00:55:13] Meredith: each other, like we found each other. Exactly. And you are coming on my, we're living. I am. That'll be. That's another cosmic womb adventure right there. We don't know , how that's gonna be.


[00:55:50] Meredith: you all next time. If you liked this episode or you think this show would be useful for someone else, the best way you can show your support is to share it on your social media outlets with family and friends, or subscribe with the link below to receive exclusive perks. And if you're feeling really generous, please leave a review on Pod chaser dot.

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About the Podcast

Face Your Shit, Heal Yourself
where science & spirituality intersect.
My name is Meredith Ochoa and I’m (not just) another f*#%ing artist. I faced my shit & healed myself after 17 years of debilitating endometriosis pain, and now I create artwork that helps others do the same.

This show explores how to heal yourself by telling the truth.
We discuss how to heal cancer, endometriosis, chronic diseases, autoimmune diseases, narcissistic abuse, female cycle syncing, hormonal nutrition, functional medicine, Ayurveda, Taoist Healing Love, Reiki, spirituality, sacred sexuality & mental health as well as the inconvenient truths of our modern health care system that keep these modalities hidden & falsely marketed so we’re left wondering why the hell no one knows about this.

I faced my own debilitating pain every month dealing with Endometriosis for over 17 years. After surgery, crossing over to the other side, and dying from the excruciating pain one too many times, I began to unravel all of the medical lies I had been told and educated myself on how women’s hormone’s actually work and I healed myself. I remember the first day I felt freedom, I could feel the shackles literally just fall off as I got present to the fact that I had minimal to no pain in my life with my intimacy, sex, and every month with my cycle.

What I learned through my experience is that all healing starts with being authentic (men AND women), which is why I encourage others to face all of their shit. And of course, I made (and continue to make) an ongoing art series (and VLOG) about it called Every Phase--'Live the art' with me as I create artwork that illustrates how I healed myself of endometriosis while I live by the phases of the female hormonal cycle.

Even though I was lied to for years by countless doctors promoting big pharma, I was able to find experts who helped me achieve what I thought was impossible. I'm using this space to introduce some of them as well as these practices to you.

Through my art I am healed, and I heal others.
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Profile picture for Meredith Ochoa

Meredith Ochoa

A true explorer and creative, Atlanta artist Meredith Ochoa began her visual arts journey in 2006 at 17 years old, after being a ballerina for 14 years, coming out of an eating disorder, and becoming fascinated with light and shadow– how one can only see the light because of the shadow and vice versa. This contrast showed up not only in her photography but in her life.

She started making her own pinhole cameras and began exploring the alchemy of the darkroom, so when she received a miraculous scholarship to SCAD, she was pretty upset about the digital 'takeover' within the photo world.

She decided to make a 'mockery' of digital photography--turning a scanner into a sort of 'large format' camera. This became an entire practice & technique within itself, and became the scanning process that she is known for today. The subject becomes the "negative" describing the subject digitally with a flattened focal plane.

This technique is depicted throughout her work and was the artistic beginning of her realization that all healing starts with being authentic. She describes her work with the statement…

Through my art I am healed, and I heal others.