Episode 6

06. What the Health?! Mushrooms & Hemp with Lance Schuttler

Published on: 15th March, 2023

What the health?!

A fitting title for this revelatory episode as we discuss mushrooms studied by the military, the distinction between different CBD brands, and what does 'FDA-Approved' really mean?

Also, if you've ever experienced the holistic vs. modern medicine conversation- where you know certain herbs and adaptogens can cure a family member or friend of an affliction, but then you receive pushback from the rest of the family (who aren't educated or willing to educate themselves), and then just the general population, and of course ‘big drug’ doctors.  Yeah, this episode is for you.  And maybe think about sharing this episode with them after you listen.

In fact, invite everyone you think would benefit from healing themselves to rate this show on Apple or Spotify.

So who am I and why did I decide to host this show? Well, after unraveling all of the medical lies I had been told about my endometriosis, I educated myself, and I was able to heal myself after 17 years of debilitating pain. Whether it's endo or any other painful disorder labeled as 'chronic', I want to expose the lesser-known solutions that can heal your mind, body & spirit. 

My experience inspired me to create and live my art, so I started an ongoing art series about it which I titled, Every Phase–where I powerfully illustrate how I healed myself as I live by the phases of the female cycle infradian rhythm clock.  This month's focus is the Follicular phase and the featured piece is titled, Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen. The translated meaning is ‘No past, no present, no future’ and is a Reiki level 2 symbol used to send distant healing across time and space. Watch for it's release on the last Friday of this month and be the first to see it by subscribing to the series at meredithochoa.com

While you’re there, pick up a signed copy of my Augmented Reality (AR) interactive book, Face Your Shit, Heal Yourself, capturing all of the art pieces from the first year of the series.

Even though I was lied to for years by big pharma, I was able to find experts who helped me achieve the impossible. This space introduces them to you.

Today we are chatting with the Owner & CEO of Ascent Nutrition, Lance Schuttler. His passion for research, brain health, neurogenesis, nutrition, and biohacking led him to begin Ascent Nutrition, a health and wellness company with a mission of offering deeply transformative and helpful nutrients to as many people as possible and to help bring about a great collective shift in human consciousness and health.

Having graduated from the University of Iowa with a degree in Health Science, Lance brings deep experience within the health and wellness fields, as well as a well-rounded perspective of the nutraceutical industry. He has worked in the three major areas of this industry and saw many inefficiencies and shortcuts that were and still are being taken by many in this field.

Lance is a Contributing Health and Wellness Writer at The Epoch Times and his work also includes the topics of regenerative agriculture, resource-based economies and quantum technologies.

Check out his website at...

Lance's Website

Lance's Facebook page @lanceschuttler on Instagram Lance on YouTube Truth social

Purchase Ascent Products with my affiliate links....

Ascent Nutrition Website

Ascent Nutrition Hemp website

Agarikon Mushroom

Pine Pollen Tincture


00:00 Introduction

06:06 #1 How Lance faced his shit

08:28 #2 "I need to ask my doctor" rhetoric

13:48 #3 Traditional medicine vs. holistic conversations

21:11 #4 What "FDA approved" really means

27:45 #5 Mushroom Military studies

34:15 #6 Full Spectrum Hemp Oil

38:48 #7 Biohacking with Art

Key takeaways

  • When it comes to health, wellness, nutrition, medicine, diet, lifestyle optimization, your average medical doctor undergoing Western medical training is getting so little of that, it's no doubt that they don't have the answers. We know they don't have the answers because they aren't given the information in school to begin with.
  • Things like natural immunity are now recognized by the Lancet, and this was pushed off as a conspiracy theory, a wacko conspiracy theory three years ago when it's literally one of the most simple, basic principles of human health.
  • FDA-approved simply means an organization paid for that statement. It does not ensure efficacy or that the drug/supplement is beneficial, or even works.
  • The US government, the Department of Defense, the NIH and the NIAID, all studied mushrooms through this program called Biodefense Bio Shield and found the Agarikon mushroom to be a counter agent to biological weapons.
  • Humans share. 50% of our DNA in common with mushrooms, while only 10% in common with plants.

If you liked the episode or you think it would be useful for someone else, please leave a review on Apple, Spotify, Youtube, or (especially) podchaser

If there is a woman you know who is struggling with period pain, the foundation of how I healed myself began with reading Womancode & In The Flo by Alisa Vitti.

👉Use my code MEREDITH12117 to get 50% off your first month of her life-changing Cycle Syncing Membership Link here

You can also pick up a signed copy of my printed book with a list of resources and doctors that helped me, and remember, as always...

The truth will set you free.

ALL art + photo services

podcast insta = @faceyourshithealyourself

art insta = @meredithwochoa



Linkedin= Meredith Ochoa


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[00:01:37] Meredith: And then just the general population and of course, big drug doctors. Yeah. This episode is for you. And maybe think about sharing this episode with them after you give it a listen. In fact, invite, everyone you think would benefit from healing themselves to rate this show on Apple or Spotify. So who am I and why did I decide to host this show?


[00:02:28] Meredith: My experience inspired me to create and to live my art. So I started an ongoing art series about it. Which I titled Every phase where I powerfully illustrate how I healed myself as I live by the phases of the female cycle in Freddie and Rhythm Clock. This month's focus is the follicular phase, and the featured piece is titled Ze.


[00:03:19] Meredith: Heal Yourself, capturing All of the Art Pieces from the first year of the series. Even though I was lied to for years by doctors promoting big pharma, I was able to find experts who helped me achieve what I thought was impossible. This show introduces them to you. Today we are chatting with the owner and c e O of Ascent Nutrition.


[00:04:02] Meredith: And. Having graduated from the University of Iowa with a degree in health science, Lance brings deep experience within the health and wellness fields, as well as a well-rounded perspective of the nutraceutical industry. He has worked in three major areas of this industry and saw many inefficiencies and shortcuts that were still and are still being taken by many in this.


[00:04:43] Meredith: Lance, what a privilege it is to have you on face your shit, heal yourself. Before we dive in, I would love to know what you had for breakfast this morning.


[00:05:08] Lance: and then into the morning, and I'll typically have breakfast around 11 or 12.


[00:05:21] Lance: you had . Yes. And sunlight.


[00:05:31] Lance: Exactly. It's all just ether.


[00:05:43] Meredith: My healing journey definitely would've helped in several areas, and the products you've created have just had such an incredible impact on my continued health journey. I'd love for you to share the story of how you came to face your own shit, and then who or what gave you a push in that direction.

How Lance Faced his Shit


[00:06:08] Lance: Thank you. So back in 2008, I had a family member who was going through bouts of depression and he had not really taken any pharmaceuticals for it and was not taken anything naturally for. just really didn't, wasn't aware of any of this stuff at the time. and what ended up happening over a period of months is this person ended up taking his life and it was really the catalyst for me and for people around me, for us to start waking up to see, what's really going on in a lot of different ways.


[00:07:06] Lance: Right.


[00:07:27] Meredith: it can be individual. Sometimes for some people it's just getting out of bed. You know? That's healing. Just being able to live a normal life. . definitely an interesting, interesting question I think for people to marinate on. I first, came across her work on Archana Shores. Shout out to Kristen and Jason.


[00:08:28] Meredith: And like I said, just nourished so. This leads me to asking you about that statement I need to ask my doctor, which I know can be really frustrating because most Western medicine doctors aren't even trained at all in nutrition. And then there's this split between medical community, between people who are looking at those nutrition facts and then, of how the body actually functions and then those who aren't.


"I need to ask my doctor" rhetoric


[00:09:18] Lance: and I ended up getting to a place where I was just so fed up and disgruntled with the education system, and especially with what we are being taught about health and wellness, and just the different sciences. And I realized that after, really getting into it, the science and like understanding the education system and understanding, media and propaganda and all of that.


[00:10:05] Lance: If we are really going to get to a place of where we want to be at in relation to health, of course there's many doctors, many naturopaths, clinicians, practitioners out there who help and can help facilitate the process of healing. But it does come back to one's individual self. And so what is taking place over time is this.


[00:10:51] Lance: It starts with, what we've been told in relation to doctors and the medical system in that don't question the doctors, because if you don't have a medical degree, who are you to talk about health and wellness? Who are you to talk about, healing and topics like that. That's what the, the zeitgeist has been in.


[00:11:33] Lance: and it's no doubt that the awakening has been sped up and people just don't trust the mainstream system. So, I want to caveat this by saying I'm definitely not taking any hits at any doctors or anyone who's put the time in to earn those degrees. They certainly have the knowledge that they've earned, but we all, we also know that knowledge is very compartmentalized and there's a whole other world out.


[00:12:18] Lance: so many of these medical doctors and functional medicine doctors, they've had to seek this information out because they themselves have become disgruntled with what the system has been. So, long story short, what do I want or what do I think more people can benefit from or how does this tie in?


[00:13:05] Lance: you don't do the different things that's being suggested to improve one's health. So, I think it's really just begins with the education and it starts with podcasts like this and so many other podcasts that people do to get the good information out there.


[00:13:29] Meredith: but for everything else, it's not designed for that. and then like you were saying, they don't have the education and then the people that do have become disgruntled because the way that the business of it is set up. And that could just be a whole other episode, the bought and paid for system for profit.


[00:14:31] Meredith: and then of course big drug doctors. Can you share your thoughts on this and then maybe how to approach these topics in conversation?

Traditional medicine vs. holistic conversations


[00:14:59] Lance: I've learned over time, first and foremost. Like I've really backed off on that for the most part. because often if it's not being asked for, they aren't gonna be interested. I mean, you can tell if someone's interested and if you can maybe slip something in there or drop a little hint as to something that might open the door for.


[00:15:39] Lance: Programming that's been undergone and all these medical doctors have been part of this too. the system as a whole, at the top, they've needed the medical industry to carry out their agenda. And so it does not behoove them to tell the doctors what's really going on. They need to keep them asleep too.


[00:16:15] Lance: because of what's taken place. so I think just dropping hints and dropping seeds has been useful and valuable. And now I think we can start pushing the envelope more with people because we've seen all these lies. Be exposed and come out. And now these huge health organizations are literally reversing what they said a few years ago.


[00:16:51] Lance: know They'll take simple basic truths and spin them to be the complete opposite. And thencall the truth, a lie or a conspiracy theory. And, something that you and I had talked about Meredith, and that I think it's important to say, is that the mainstream Western medical system as a whole, they're undergoing such rapid change and,the corrupt aspects of what they've been doing.


[00:17:33] Lance: But it's more about control and power and a lot of other things. but the people within the system, there's certainly the awakening happening there for. And we can see that these outdated systems within the Western medicine model, is collapsing. And it's happening quicker and thankfully.


[00:18:12] Lance: And so my overall point is that for the people who are still, fully bought into the western medicine model, and don't you dare question your doctor and all that, they're gonna be very open here, I think soon because they will have no choice. They're gonna see a lot of these crimes, come out and people being held responsible for the crimes that have been.


[00:18:48] Meredith: The world definitely needs it for those who are experiencing chronic disease and in pain every day unnecessarily. And then it's something like, Oh, just eat organic foods or, oh, just get rid of gluten.


[00:19:22] Meredith: Oh yeah. There's these four phases every 28 days. Oh yeah. These, like hormones and brain chemistry and birth control cuts, all of that off. Wow. Like it. The education and it's simple truth, the truth will always be there. It doesn't require your belief in it to exist. that's another thing you don't have to believe in.


[00:20:17] Meredith: they're counting on. Us staying asleep and they're definitely counting on doctors and everyone not being educated. They're counting on it. e exact, like you said, the slow drip and then also just educating yourself and then you'll then end up attracting other people.


[00:20:39] Lance: same here. Absolutely. when you start looking and seeking for those answers, the people and the information come. Yeah,


What FDA approved really means


[00:21:26] Meredith: Are your supplements f d a approved? Let's clear up some of the mystification around this certification.


[00:21:49] Lance: Okay. And I'll explain why. So people will ask that and go, okay then, they haven't looked at your supplements. They're not approved, so you can't sell them. Or you can, you're doing this illegal. No. No. Okay. Supplements are listed as dietary supplements, and as long as a company or a person associated with the company isn't making statements of, this is going to treat cure or prevent X, Y, z, then the pharmaceutical industries and they're, their language of what they use says that, okay, that they're not marketing this as a drug because again, In their language, in their world, only drugs can treat, cure and prevent.


[00:22:56] Lance: Okay, so this is why supplement companies have to say, this product is going to support your healthy blood pressure. Instead of saying, this product is going to lower your blood pressure, or it's gonna lower your high blood pressure. Supplement companies in, in, the FDA world. They want companies saying this is gonna support your health and wellness, or support your brain health.


[00:23:43] Lance: And most companies won't do that cause they understand what the ramifications are. Secondly, The fda, although they're not, looking at every single company or every single product, they do check on companies to make sure that the language that companies are using is not, treating curin, things like that.


[00:24:22] Lance: They write these hit pieces and the products aren't even FDA approved. of course they're not. No one else's is because no one's doing that. So they rely on people's ignorance and just looking at headlines and reading articles, briefly and not really getting to the facts. So, Again, you wanna look at things that are actually gonna help people.


[00:25:06] Lance: The body is not gonna recognize them as a natural compound for the most part,most of these substances. And so it's gonna start rejecting it. And though a person's symptom might go away or might improve the underlying health issue, most likely is not unless they address whatever is actually going on to cause that issue.


[00:25:35] Meredith: a hundred percent. And it really is, sounds like completely pay to play kind of system. So basically everyone that has the FDA approved what it kind of labeling means really. , they paid for.


[00:26:02] Lance: Yes. Because with these studies that they'll do on pharmaceuticals, of course some of them actually do produce the results that they're looking for. But again, it's just symptom management.


[00:26:33] Lance: They don't want this to fail. They can't have it fail. So they'll do everything in their power to make sure that this study is crafted in a way where it's gonna give them the best. chance for it to show the results that they're looking for. Even if it isn't necessarily what is gonna be actual, management for the patient.


[00:27:21] Meredith: That have been purposefully banned and hidden are just undeniable now with pain management, anxiety, depression, the list just goes on, especially with mycelium being, we will turn to mycelium. It's universal wisdom. Everything is mycelium, which is the way I look at it, which is what you're ingesting when you ingest mushrooms.


Mushroom Military studies


[00:28:25] Lance: And this is, a multi-billion dollar industry. and that just shows, like where we're at in the times. Mushrooms are growing, they're trending, they're becoming more known about, people are aware. part of why I think that is, is that we're just naturally drawn towards them as humans, for various reasons.


[00:29:04] Lance: Brain health, cardiovascular health, lung function, immune function, many others as well. . And so what we've done, I've been using Lion's main mushroom, several other mushrooms, including a Garcon for several years. And this Agarikon Meredith, is what we wanted to bring out along with the Lion's Mane but particular this Agarikon for several different reasons.


[00:30:05] Lance: and they wanted to really understand if there were compounds out there that could basically neutralize these. Because remember after 9/11 there was a lot of things going on with, anthrax and other biological weapons, and so they wanted to see other counter agents out there. And there was 200,000 different samples submitted to this study.


[00:30:52] Lance: and this information got out there and so we know what Agarikon is doing. It had very strong biological properties in relation to some of these compounds. Okay. And it was so fascinating that one of the mycologists. Who submitted samples was speaking with the government, was like, Hey, this is incredible stuff.


[00:31:40] Lance: But there's also very interesting spiritual, ramifications of this mushroom and the lure behind. This is fascinating. The Haida people of the Pacific Northwest throughout British Columbia and Canada and the northwest here in the United States as well as Greece. This mushroom grows, primarily only in these two areas, and it will grow 50 to 70 to 80 years old out in the wild in the old growth forest.


[00:32:31] Lance: And the benefit for us humans is that when we culture, the strains of these. This mushroom it grows and createsand produces this mycelium base. And the compounds in that mycelial extract of the Agarikon is what's been studied and shown to be so potent in all the different ways that we've talked about.


[00:33:14] Lance: Okay. And people would even place little chunks of the mushroom throughout their home to protect them spiritually. It also has a strong connection to the Raven Spirit, and it's been said to also protect people, protect women in particular of their sexual health. Now, that does relate to, things that are specific for women, but also I think there's just this sort of spiritual lore to it that,it's protecting women on a sa in a sacred.


[00:33:56] Meredith: Just incredible. all the different aspects of that. Just insane. And I love also, C, B, d, the hemp that you guys offer because it doesn't interfere with other painkillers, the endocannabinoid system.


Full Spectrum Hemp Oil


[00:35:07] Lance: unfortunately because, there was just not a lot of differentiation in the products. now there's, CBD isolates, there's, water. Infused C B D, there's full spectrum hemp oil. there's cbn. C B G extracts a lot of different things to choose from, and so it can be confusing.


[00:35:51] Lance: And so that is how all those different cannabinoids can actually interact and interplay with that endocannabinoid system. And that induces something called the entourage effect, which is the sum of the parts is greater than the whole. Meaning it's better to take all these different cannabinoids than just one of C B, D because the interplay of all of them is actually creating an effect that, is different than if you're just taking C B D.


[00:36:38] Lance: We grow in Iowa and in Colorado. The strain of hemp that we have has been developed over 25 years, and we've actually had it in a place where it's so acclaimed that NC B I references this as, the gold standard in hemp genome sequencing. So we've sequenced out the whole genome of this. We know it's in there fully, we know the percentages, all of that.


[00:37:28] Lance: To leave us with that finished product. And it is the most unique infusion slash extraction method in the industry. We've got the most respected strain in relation to hemp genome sequencing, and we grow organically here in the us So we're very happy with what we've got. Of course, we have all the certifications for GMP certified,all the processing that we're doing, it's all clean.


[00:38:11] Meredith: I love it too.


[00:38:39] Meredith: It's that whole full spectrum plant that you're ingesting and you feel it. regardless of what anyone says or the data, it's really? You feel it?

Biohacking with Art


[00:39:12] Lance: So I was reading recently that I think that you're doing some things with augmented reality and possibly virtual reality. So I would like to do something with the algae oil. Has some sort of virtual reality or augmented reality where, one's consciousness can zoom through space and time and we can infuse with, maybe light itself because as we've talked about, the algae oil, DHA is facilitating the movement of light in the body and it's facilit.


[00:40:13] Lance: Cause I think that really blends the two of what it's doing.


[00:40:35] Meredith: And the time aspect of traveling through time. So that could be really cool.


[00:40:45] Meredith: Sweet. thank you for just so generously and just so richly sharing with us. It's been such a privilege to listen to you today. Tell us where people can find you and learn more about your incredible


[00:41:01] Lance: Thank you, Meredith. It's also been great being on here with you. I really appreciate the invite. I love talking about all this stuff. We know that it's gonna help people. People can find me on Instagram. On YouTube, on true social, and Telegram. Just under my name, Lance Shutler. and then my website, lance shutler.com.


[00:41:36] Meredith: Yes. we will list all of these resources we chatted about today and as well as some of the research and all of that, just so you guys can have the full spectrum of how incredible these products and really the validity of this information is.


[00:42:13] Meredith: If you liked this episode or you think this show would be useful for someone else, the best way you can show your support is to share it on your social media outlets with family and friends, or subscribe with the link below to receive exclusive perks. And if you're feeling really generous, please leave a review on Pod chaser dot.

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About the Podcast

Face Your Shit, Heal Yourself
where science & spirituality intersect.
My name is Meredith Ochoa and I’m (not just) another f*#%ing artist. I faced my shit & healed myself after 17 years of debilitating endometriosis pain, and now I create artwork that helps others do the same.

This show explores how to heal yourself by telling the truth.
We discuss how to heal cancer, endometriosis, chronic diseases, autoimmune diseases, narcissistic abuse, female cycle syncing, hormonal nutrition, functional medicine, Ayurveda, Taoist Healing Love, Reiki, spirituality, sacred sexuality & mental health as well as the inconvenient truths of our modern health care system that keep these modalities hidden & falsely marketed so we’re left wondering why the hell no one knows about this.

I faced my own debilitating pain every month dealing with Endometriosis for over 17 years. After surgery, crossing over to the other side, and dying from the excruciating pain one too many times, I began to unravel all of the medical lies I had been told and educated myself on how women’s hormone’s actually work and I healed myself. I remember the first day I felt freedom, I could feel the shackles literally just fall off as I got present to the fact that I had minimal to no pain in my life with my intimacy, sex, and every month with my cycle.

What I learned through my experience is that all healing starts with being authentic (men AND women), which is why I encourage others to face all of their shit. And of course, I made (and continue to make) an ongoing art series (and VLOG) about it called Every Phase--'Live the art' with me as I create artwork that illustrates how I healed myself of endometriosis while I live by the phases of the female hormonal cycle.

Even though I was lied to for years by countless doctors promoting big pharma, I was able to find experts who helped me achieve what I thought was impossible. I'm using this space to introduce some of them as well as these practices to you.

Through my art I am healed, and I heal others.
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About your host

Profile picture for Meredith Ochoa

Meredith Ochoa

A true explorer and creative, Atlanta artist Meredith Ochoa began her visual arts journey in 2006 at 17 years old, after being a ballerina for 14 years, coming out of an eating disorder, and becoming fascinated with light and shadow– how one can only see the light because of the shadow and vice versa. This contrast showed up not only in her photography but in her life.

She started making her own pinhole cameras and began exploring the alchemy of the darkroom, so when she received a miraculous scholarship to SCAD, she was pretty upset about the digital 'takeover' within the photo world.

She decided to make a 'mockery' of digital photography--turning a scanner into a sort of 'large format' camera. This became an entire practice & technique within itself, and became the scanning process that she is known for today. The subject becomes the "negative" describing the subject digitally with a flattened focal plane.

This technique is depicted throughout her work and was the artistic beginning of her realization that all healing starts with being authentic. She describes her work with the statement…

Through my art I am healed, and I heal others.