Episode 9

09. From Carbon to Crystalline: Activating your DNA with Kimberly Palm

Published on: 21st June, 2023

Have you ever thought about the 98% of your DNA that modern science deems as junk?

What if it was activated?

Learn how to do just that as we discuss moving from carbon to crystalline-based bodies, why most people can’t manifest what they want, relieving ascension symptoms & who Yeshua ben-Yosef is.

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So who am I and why did I decide to host this show? Well, after unraveling all of the medical lies I had been told about my endometriosis, I educated myself, and I was able to heal myself after 17 years of debilitating pain.  On this show, whether it's endo or any other disorder labeled as 'chronic', we expose the lesser-known solutions that can heal your mind, body & spirit. 

My experience inspired me to actually live my art, so I created an ongoing art series about it called, Every Phase––where I powerfully illustrate how I healed myself as I live by the phases of the female cycle infradian rhythm clock. The artwork shows what's happening in the brain and the body during each phase and reveals how to biohack & leverage this energy in your life.  This month we're in the Ovulatory phase and the featured piece is about taking responsibility for who you are: daring to question the systems around you and your own routines & patterns. Follow the series & watch for it's release on the last Friday of this month and be the first to see it by subscribing at meredithochoa.com

While you’re there, check out my NEW $50 Limited Edition Bite Size Art Acrylic Block pieces capturing all of the images from the Every Phase Series + be sure to pick up a signed copy of my award-winning augmented Reality (AR) interactive book, Face Your Shit, Heal Yourself.

Even though I was lied to for years by big pharma, I was able to find experts who helped me achieve the impossible. This space introduces them to you.

Today we are chatting with Best Selling Author & Spiritual Healing Expert, Kimberly Palm. Kimberly is the author of the bestselling books "Ascension 101: A Roadmap for your Soul" and "The Real Fountain of Youth: An Introduction to the P.E.A.C.E. Stress Management System". She is a spiritual teacher and adviser for seekers of the truth on their journey. Kimberly uses her special gifts including clairvoyance, intuition, energy healing, and other gifts to help people on their journey. She is also a certified meditation and mindfulness instructor and certified reiki practitioner. Kimberly offers private sessions to people all over the world and she teaches classes and workshops on different spiritual and energy healing topics as well as offering weekly spiritual support groups. Kimberly gives out lots of free teaching and information coupled with interviews with psychics, shamans, and energy healing experts through her youtube channel Spiritual Growth Journeys.

Check out her work at...

Kimberly's Website

Kimberly on YouTube Kimberly's Facebook page Kimberly's Facebook group

Research Links:


00:00 Introduction

07:20 #1 How Kimberly came to face her own shit

11:59 #2 Blocks in Manifesting

16:34 #3 Spirituality & Religion distinction

23:39 #4 Ascension 101 - Kimberly's Books

27:16 #5 Activating your DNA

30:47 #6 Ascension symptoms

39:59 #7 Resources for Beginning your journey

44:01 #8 Biohacking with Art

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If there is a woman you know who is struggling with period pain, the foundation of how I healed myself began with reading Womancode & In The Flo by Alisa Vitti.

👉Use my code MEREDITH12117 to get 50% off your first month of her life-changing Cycle Syncing Membership Link here

You can also pick up a signed copy of my printed book with a list of resources and doctors that helped me, and remember, as always...

The truth will set you free.

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[00:00:10] Kimberly: I'm diagnosing What's the problem?


[00:00:25] Kimberly: All these people are walking around with all these blocks in their life and they're scratching their head going, I don't know why I'm so blocked. Why can't I manifest? Dammit I'm trying to, I have clients who tell me, I've taken every manifesting course that you know of, and none of them work for me.


[00:00:48] Meredith: Have you ever thought about the 98% of your DNA that modern science deems as junk? What if all of it was activated? Learn how to do just that as we discuss moving from carbon to crystalline based bodies, why most people can't manifest what they want, relieving ascension symptoms and who Yeshua Ben Yosef is.


[00:01:37] Meredith: Be featured on the show, win free art. Submit questions for guests and more. Check out the options on the site or go directly to face. Your should heal yourself.captivate.fm/support. So who am I and why did I decide to create this show? Well after unraveling all the medical lies I had been told about my endometriosis, I educated myself and I was able to heal myself after 17 years of debilitating pain on this show, whether it's Endo or any other condition deemed as.


[00:02:33] Meredith: The artwork shows what's happening. In the brain and the body during each phase, and reveals how to biohack and leverage this energy in your life. This month, we're in the ovulatory phase, and the featured piece is about taking responsibility for who you are. Daring to question the systems around you as well as your own routines and patterns.


[00:03:29] Meredith: Super fun and super affordable. Still limited edition. Even though I was lied to for years by doctors promoting big pharma, I was able to find experts who helped me achieve the impossible.


[00:04:08] Meredith: She is a spiritual teacher and advisor for seekers of the truth on their journey. Kimberly uses her special gifts, including clairvoyance, intuition, energy healing, and other gifts to help people on their journey. She's also a certified meditation and mindfulness and instructor and certified reiki practitioner.


[00:04:56] Meredith: Kimberly Palm. How the hell are you?


[00:05:10] Meredith: gosh. I'm good. I'm really good. I know you and I were just chatting about. Some of the frustrations we'll dive into a little later. but before we dive into that, I am curious, what did you have for breakfast this morning, if you can remember?


[00:05:51] Kimberly: Ooh. Yeah. So I get lots of nice hair and, nails and nails.


[00:06:15] Kimberly: flavor.


[00:06:32] Kimberly: You know what I mean? It's. So it's more moist. I don't like these really hard bars that are taste like they're like a leather shoe or they taste like a cardboard. Yeah, I don't like that.


[00:06:52] Meredith: Yep. So speaking of leather shoes and things that are really fucking hard, spirituality, especially right now in this age where, oh my


[00:07:06] Meredith: yep. Could you fill everyone in a little bit on just your work, how you came to face your own shit? I'd love for you to share just some of your wisdom with the listeners.


[00:07:20] Kimberly: So my, my story actually goes back to being born in a family of women who going back, all the females on my mother's side were psychic and clairvoyant and all that kind of stuff. so I was born with a lot of gifts, a lot of interesting gifts, and when I was 12, People just started gravitating actually my whole life, going all the way back to when I was like three, four or five years old.


[00:07:55] Kimberly: you know, as a master teacher, cuz that's when I'm here to be a master teacher. and so I was already doing that. And then when I was 12, 13, I started really researching metaphysics spirituality. I was, collecting, I started collecting crystals and rocks when I was like two or three because of my Elian past lives and my lemurian lives.


[00:08:28] Kimberly: And so starting when I was like 12, 13, I started researching. Esoterics and world religions and spirituality and metaphysics, really into metaphysics. I'm basically, I consider myself a meta physician because I've been studying metaphysics for 40 something years. I know a lot about metaphysics.


[00:09:10] Kimberly: And my psychic self said, no, no, no, no, no. She's full of shit. I don't have what she's saying. I went to my mother, who was a nurse who worked at the hospital, told my mom what this lady said I had, and my mom's like, my daughter doesn't have such a thing, you're gonna go to my doctor. So I went to her doctor and her doctor said to me, not only do you not have what she said, but if you would've taken that, those drugs she gave you, it could have killed you.


[00:10:02] Kimberly: And then I'd have to diagnose myself and treat myself and heal myself over and over and over again. The good news about that is I've spent my whole life studying vitamins, nutrients, diet, exercise, alternative therapies, everything from reiki and acupuncture to Ayurvedic medicine. I've studied Chinese medicine, in Native American medicine, south American medicine, I've.


[00:10:47] Kimberly: over and over again because the, even the natural medicine doctors sometimes would shake their head and go, I don't know what's wrong with you. And it just, the whole medical industry is just like worthless to me. Yeah. So I've had to become my own healer and as far as facing my shit, That's been it.


[00:11:21] Kimberly: Didn't like me. Didn't, wasn't happy giving birth to me. treated me horrible until she passed away. She was not nice to me. I loved her very much cuz she was my mother, but I had to heal all that trauma. I also had a lot of trauma as a child. I was molested by, um, person who married into our family and, all kinds of stuff.


[00:11:59] Blocks in Manifesting


[00:12:19] Kimberly: I'm all about facing my shit and, fixing it. That's who I am. I'm always, and I teach my clients how to do the same, every day people are coming to me with relationship problems and health problems and life problems and spiritual, problems.


[00:12:55] Kimberly: Is the problem a past life block? Is the problem, A current life wrong belief system that went in from. From since you were born? Is it inherited through your DNA Did you inherit trauma through your DNAwhatever it is, we look at what's going on that's causing these problems in your life and blocking you at your financial success, your job success, your relationships, your health.


[00:13:31] Kimberly: And I just start chuckling. And they're like, what's so funny? And I'm like, because you needed to clear your shit and face your shit. And clear it before you did the manifesting. I mean, I teach manifesting. Yeah. But I also go in and diagnose what kind of shit do we need to clear out. And then once we clear that, then we do the hardcore manifesting.


[00:14:12] Kimberly: Make it, you know, you'll never, you know, those kinds of things Are gonna block you. And they stay in your dna. They lodge themselves in your DNA and they stay there until you clear 'em. So in your mitochondria, in every cell in your body, that's what epigenetics is all about. You can read up on Dr.


[00:14:53] Kimberly: All of it. So you, and people think, oh, I'm just gonna get a free pass and I'm going to get to skip over 4D and go from 3D to five. It doesn't work like that. as we're ascending, you have to do the work. And if you haven't completed your work, you'll go to 4D and then you'll complete your work.


[00:15:27] Kimberly: You gotta do it.


[00:15:48] Meredith: Spirituality, kind of the new age, spirituality in general as a means of bypassing what's really there. Mm-hmm. For people. Mm-hmm. So, I'm so glad that you brought that up as like, yeah. Well, before we even get started on any of this magical stuff, We're going to need to look at yourself and look at your shadow and it's all things, yeah.


[00:16:34] Spirituality & Religion distinction


[00:16:46] Kimberly: I have hundreds of things on there. Every video that I put up on my YouTube channel is either healing people or helping people, somehow teaching them. But I do have one explaining spirituality and religion. So in a nutshell, Religion is dogma and doctrine. It was created by men to control human beings.


[00:17:17] Kimberly: And they created religion specifically to enslave people into the matrix and to mind control them and program their brain and all of that. And it's all about dogma, doctrine. And in my newest book, I wrote Walking With Yes, one Mary Magdalene. I reveal all kinds of stuff. The churches don't want you to know.


[00:17:55] Kimberly: He authored his own book and they got rid of it so nobody can ever see it. And why? Because they were teaching stuff they don't want us to know. And they also talked about Lemur and Atlantis and extraterrestrials and everything in those books. All those books were full of all that information, and so they got rid of 'em.


[00:18:29] Kimberly: And so that is what religion is all about. It's all lies. It's really all lies, and it's all dogma and doctrine and all that. What is spirituality? Well, spirituality is what's practiced all over the universe and by every being out in space, following the laws of one, following the do not, not to harm other people, do unto others as they do unto you.


[00:19:07] Kimberly: It was Yeshua ben Yosef There is no letter J in Hebrew to this day. No letter J in, Aramaic. To this day. And, people weren't even called Jews until the 18 hundreds. There was no term Jews until the 18 hundreds. So they were called the Hebrews or the Israelite. They were never called Jews. Okay. So the thing is that, Yeshua and also Buddha and also Saint Germain and Babaji, and, a whole bunch of ascended masters,El MoryaSerapis Beythere's just a whole laundry list of all of these, ascended masters that came to earth over the last thousands of years. They were all teaching the same thing. What is that? Love, kindness, compassion, forgiveness, respect for one another, treating people the way you wanna be treated, and having a personal relationship with God.


[00:20:30] Kimberly: and oh, and also the earth. Because we have a relationship to Mother Gaia too. So for example, Wiccans who practice a lot of the earth mad, earth stuff, and the Native Americans, their religions have a lot to do. Wicca and Native American is all about the mother nature and protecting the forest and protecting the lands and.


[00:21:06] Kimberly: And all the practices that you do and that you set up daily, whether it's meditating or praying at an altar, cuz prayer is, I say prayer is my superpower, but that's all part of spirituality. That's what that is. And they will never teach you any of those things in religion. I was a diehard Christian, actually a Catholic, I was a Catholic first.


[00:21:43] Kimberly: They never, ever did that. Right. And, right. And so that, and that's the main thing that I'm here to teach people is how to have those personal relationships with their higher self and God and their angels, and, teaching people how to be their own guru. that is what I do. That's what I focus on.


[00:22:08] Kimberly: somebody else to save you too. Because nobody's gonna come save you. You have to save yourself. And that's a religion thing is somebody's coming to save you.


[00:22:30] Kimberly: Nobody's gonna just show up on a white horse with their sword going, I'm here to save you. You know? It's just not gonna happen.


[00:22:49] Meredith: It's not a destination because there's always new layers of the onion that you couldn't even conceive of until you healed, got to a certain level of healing. Then you're like, holy shit. I didn't even know that was on the menu, that I could feel that good, Then you go to the next level. So it's not even like this destination of like, I'm done.


[00:23:30] Kimberly: well, not that hard at all actually.


[00:23:39] Ascension 101 - Kimberly's Books


[00:23:55] Kimberly: Okay. The information came from them, from Yahuah Source. He's the one who told me to. Write the book. I never wanted to write that book. He popped into my house and said, you're gonna write this book? And I'm like, no, I can't. My husband will divorce me because I had a deal with my husband. I wasn't gonna write anymore books because the last time I wrote a book, it almost broke up our family because it took me five years and the last year of it, I was putting his hundreds of hours of time into that book and my family never saw my face and they were all angry at me and, They were like, you're never doing a book ever again, mom.


[00:24:42] Kimberly: your, what do you call your shadow self? How to heal all, you know, talk about that. How to have happiness the rest of your life. There's a whole chapter on how to be happy your whole life. there's a whole chapter on what is reincarnation. There's a chapters on how to raise your vibrational frequency and how to protect your body, mind, and spirit from getting attacked by, whether it's the icons or the ai or.


[00:25:22] Kimberly: The whole gala, I don't have the galactic history. Like I don't go into the fact that humans originally came from lira and. And the bad AI dudes in the Draco went to Lira and murdered everybody and blew up the planets. And, I don't go into all of that,but I do go into the history on planet Earth from the minute that they, the bad guys came here and locked it down and locked it all down.


[00:25:59] Kimberly: Oh, I talk about the different, types of the hierarchy from God on down to mortal, what we call mortal souls. how. How beings were created, the hierarchy, like the, a angels and the Angels and all of the different layers of angels and the ascended masters. I go into a lot of, it's a lot of esoteric information that people Who are just coming outta Christianity, Judaism or Islam or whatever. I mean, I have. Ex Islamic clients. I have ex jish clients, I have ex Christian clients. I have clients from all religions that are like leaving those religions and coming to me for help now and this book really gets 'em going in the right direction.


[00:26:38] Meredith: yeah, for sure. And it's a delicate process too. Yeah, I would say, especially when you're identity is wrapped up and all your power is really wrapped up in these doctrines that are completely outside of you and really not in your best interest at all. Yep. So what are some simple practices people can start today, which speaking of to begin activating their d n a, and some may even ask why.


[00:27:08] Kimberly: Oh my God. Well, that's a huge thing. So let's talk about this actually. yeah. Oh, you have a kitty behind you. So cute. She loves


[00:27:16] Activating your DNA


[00:27:23] Kimberly: The beings who were on this planet, some were human, some were et. They had dna A that was activated at 12 strands, 24 strands, 48 strands, and even higher. Okay? Even 68, whatever, really high, right? Lucifer and the Draco and all those guys came here, locked the planet down. They took the humans that were here, they edited their, they killed as many people as they could on the planet.


[00:28:00] Kimberly: Down there. They still are to this day. and, there's all kinds of proof of that, by the way. there's actually, they found, the bodies of these guys that explored the middle earth and they had a photo album Yeah. on their chest. The one guy. And they have a video showing all the photos of what inner Earth looks like and all the different creatures and beings that live in there that look like ets and.


[00:28:33] Meredith: we could have a whole episode on tarter. I


[00:28:38] Kimberly: I mean, I've heard of it, but I mean, I know what the buildings look like, but I don't know like info on it or anything. but the thing is that. they came to Earth. There's a guy named Enke and his brother En Lil, and they're Aki and they're bad. They were bad ets very bad. They wanted to enslave, they wanted to create a slave race that would mine all the gold and silver and diamonds and stuff on the planet.


[00:29:18] Kimberly: Number two, it makes you get sick and die when you're like 10 or 12 or 20 or 30. You don't live to be a hundred years old anymore. Okay, so before that, like during Noah's time and before people would live to be a thousand years old on this planet, okay? They would live and there was no death. You didn't have a funeral where people buried you.


[00:29:57] Kimberly: Okay. Because this is what they do. They go from galaxy to galaxy. They enslave the people. They strip mine all the resources off the planet, and then their final hoorah is they blow the planet up, right? They've been trained to nuke us Now for apparently there's been literally thousands of attempts by them to nuke the planet, but they keep getting stopped each time by the ETS that are watching over us.


[00:30:47] Ascension symptoms


[00:30:58] Kimberly: So that is why you have what are called ascension symptoms like headaches. And dizziness and nausea, and I mean, I have pages and pages of ascension symptoms in my book, Ascension 1 0 1, I talk about all the symptoms. I talk about how to know you're actually having them versus you're sick and you need to go to the doctor because sometimes you're having these symptoms and you need to go to the doctor.


[00:31:39] Kimberly: Wow. I went to three different doctors who tested my hormones and all shook their head and said, there's no reason for you to be having hot flashes. Your hormones are perfect. What does that mean? That means I'm having ascension symptoms because what Yeshua told me is he told me, you are like sand. He said, Kimberly, you are like sand being turned into glass.


[00:32:20] Kimberly: My own son is hot all the time. the reason why is because they're not menopausal. Obviously, they're, some of them aren't even female. It's because their body is shifting from carbon to, so what does that mean for humanity? Will one, we're 12 strand again, and we're crystalling. Guess what?


[00:32:46] Meredith: The virus. Yeah.


[00:33:06] Kimberly: Yeah. Lou Gehrigs and, I mean, and all the autoimmune disorder. You don't get any of those. You don't get 'em. Why? Because we weren't ever supposed to get 'em. This was all created by these guys so that they could have the slave race that had shortened lifespan so that they can control and manipulate us.


[00:33:44] Kimberly: And then from that point forward, you're just dying more and more every day. Well, well, guess what? That's true. But it never used to be that way. It used to be you lived 200, 300, 500 years when you were ready to go to your next planet or your next whatever adventure you transcended the body. It wasn't this, oh, you die.


[00:34:17] Kimberly: People are gonna grieve and they're gonna die. Why? Because once you left, you could still communicate with your family. So here's what's really cool is when you go to. 12 strand and higher, and you go to crystalline, you get back all of the gifts that were stolen from us. You get clear audience, clairvoyance, clairsentience tele, telepathy.


[00:34:56] Kimberly: They heal you. They're energy generators, they're spaceships, they're everything. So they built, they built these things. We're gonna have tele telepathy in telekinesis, teleportation. If I wanna be in Paris, I just teleport myself. Who needs a freaking airplane? I'll just say, I'm gonna go to Paris now.


[00:35:30] Kimberly: It's gonna suck really bad. Yeah,


[00:35:55] Meredith: It's just dying slowly. and you see that in the workforce. just walk outside of your house. I was just talking the other day to my husband. How did we get to the point? As human beings where we just watch atrocities happen and do nothing, and we do nothing about it. Since Yeshua Yeah. Yeah.


[00:36:32] Meredith: people.


[00:36:34] Kimberly: That's a good point about Yeshua I never thought about that before. But if you think about this is true with that history, that there were enough followers of him and enough people there, and compared to the number of soldiers, let's say there was five, 10 soldiers that were there, whatever, that were involved.


[00:37:06] Kimberly: They let them kill him. Yeah. Yep. They just stood by and they watched.


[00:37:28] Meredith: And not being afraid of, looking a certain way because you're speaking your truth. Mm-hmm. It's been humanity's lesson really ever, in my opinion, since that time. Humanity's karma of like, okay, you guys need to learn this. you guys need to learn how to, you need to learn and realize your own power really.


[00:38:07] Kimberly: So what does that mean? That means when I go to the grocery store and I see a little old grandma lady going into the store and she's struggling, I open doors for her. I see sometimes little grandma ladies trying to reach stuff on the top shelf and I. I'm tall, I'm five six, and so I wa I reach up and I grab stuff for them.


[00:38:42] Kimberly: And so the people who are gonna ascend with us are gonna be the people who care about others and actually take action. The people who sit around and do nothing and they let, and they sit and watch an old lady struggle, like all the a-holes that when I was a mama and I was pregnant with one baby, and I was pushing another one in the stroller, and I was trying to get in the door of the shopping mall, people would walk by me and just look at me and just keep on walking instead of helping me open the door.


[00:39:24] Meredith: Right. I mean, everyone's gonna learn or you just do it over.


[00:39:59] Resources for Beginning your journey


[00:40:20] Kimberly: The ascension and about all these things that are going on and about the different waves of light workers and star people coming into the planet and the Blu-ray star beings and all. Cuz I'm a Blu-ray. there's these different. People that she talks about, and she talks all about the ascension and what's gonna happen, and she explains everything really well.


[00:40:54] Kimberly: I had to go and look up the word and it meant kingdom of heaven. And he told me that all the systems were gonna collapse. The education system, the food system, the medical system, the financial system, the political system, because they were all evil and they're all. Bad and that they're all going to collapse and that we were gonna build heaven on Earth.


[00:41:34] Kimberly: And the thing is that after he told me, then I had to start doing, because I'm a researcher, I'm an avid researcher. Mm-hmm. So once I heard all this ascension, I'm like, what the heck? I gotta go find out more about this. So then I started watching Dolores Cannon stuff, started watching all her, her videos and everything.


[00:42:18] Kimberly: there, her and Patricia, or, I mean, her and Dolores would've been maybe the same age or the same group. They're all from what we call the first wave of light workers. The first wave that came in, they were people who'd be in their seventies, eighties, nineties. Now, they're the first ones that came in to transition our planet.


[00:42:58] Kimberly: Dolores, Canon's daughter, she's continuing her work. She does videos. but that's realistically everybody should go follow those two individuals because they had the most sage wisdom about what's happening on the planet. Honestly.


[00:43:22] Meredith: I'm gonna list these links in the show notes. Yeah. So you guys can go check these out as well. Yeah. Cause it's absolutely part of the foundation. We're in this world with other people for a reason. Yeah. it's, there's many different paths to the same destination, and it's really that.


[00:43:57] Kimberly: Am I ready? Or is other people ready?


[00:44:01] Meredith: we're about to find out. So Kimberly, if you had to describe what you do with any art medium, how would you make it and what would you choose?


[00:44:19] Meredith: Using art? Any art. Medium. And how It


[00:44:25] Kimberly: Could be music. Yeah. because that's art too. Yeah. Because of course that's course because that's what I already do. Partially, that's one of the things. I have videos on my YouTube channel, I sing, and so for me, I do the most healing for people when I'm, see, when I'm singing my voice, I use my voice to heal people.


[00:44:58] Meredith: Okay. Okay. They can go together.


[00:45:12] Kimberly: the colors and everything go with the mood and the feeling. You can actually channel all of your emotional, energies and all of your spiritual energies.


[00:45:35] Kimberly: In fact, I had seen hundreds of pictures on the internet of her and none of them looked anything like her at all. I was really pissed. And then, yeah, because I was. There with them in that lifetime. So I know what they look like they really look like. And so when I saw that picture, I started crying my eyes out and then I didn't even know this lady, and I send her a message and I'm like, how the heck did you know?


[00:46:07] Meredith: I love the colors in that and the richness. You can really feel it too. Mm-hmm. And the palette, I mean, it's all connected.


[00:46:30] Meredith: So of course, doing craniosacral therapy or having issues with the pelvic floor, you would have issues with your voice, with your throat. It's all connected. And I find that's so interesting. You can feel it too, in certain paintings like that


[00:46:54] Kimberly: Absolutely. And if you have throat cha or blockages, you're not gonna be able to sing.


[00:47:20] Meredith: I definitely write all the time. I write every day, so I totally understand that. But just like the rhythm and you can really, things are really amped up now, which also, Mary Magdalene, I just wanted to say walking guys. Walking with Yeshua and Mary Magdalene. Go get, go. Go contact Kimberly cuz you have to contact her to read this book.


[00:48:11] Meredith: Wow. What a gift that book.


[00:48:27] Meredith: it's been such a, Freaking privilege to chat with you today, and I know we talked about your website a little bit, YouTube, all this other stuff, but tell us just, and we're gonna link to all this in the show notes, tell everybody where you're at, mainly where they can find you and learn more about your


[00:48:46] Kimberly: My, okay, so two places are the best. well actually three. So my website, spiritual growth journeys.com. My, YouTube channel, spiritual Growth Journeys, and my Rumble Channel Spiritual Growth Journeys. So I'm getting black, what are it called? Blackballed or whatever, shadow band on YouTube. Oh, yeah.


[00:49:20] Kimberly: But then I have ones just on Rumble that are not on YouTube because they're really controversial and they won't allow 'em on there. and so that's a big place to find if you want free teaching from me. I mean, I've got. A hundred, 140 videos or something on YouTube, that are all educational about all the stuff we're talking about and different topics.


[00:49:54] Kimberly: It's not my thing. but I do have a lot of people on there that share their expertise and we just cover all kinds of subjects. I have a private group on Facebook called Spiritual Growth Journeys. You can request to join the group and I have 4,000 people almost in that group. And we have a fun time posting all kinds of spiritual goodness in there.


[00:50:26] Meredith: Sweet. So And it is a journey. Yeah. A journey of growth. Well, I hope. Everyone is able to take something extraordinary away from this tremendous conversation Kimberly and I have had today to help them go out there, face their shit, therefore healing themselves.


[00:50:55] Kimberly: next time. Thank you. Bye. Thank you for having me.


[00:51:22] Meredith: YouTube or on Apple Podcast and pick up a signed copy of my book about how I healed myself from endometriosis on my Instagram at Meredith w Ochoa. Thank you so much for listening and for having the bravery to face your shit and heal yourself.

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About the Podcast

Face Your Shit, Heal Yourself
where science & spirituality intersect.
My name is Meredith Ochoa and I’m (not just) another f*#%ing artist. I faced my shit & healed myself after 17 years of debilitating endometriosis pain, and now I create artwork that helps others do the same.

This show explores how to heal yourself by telling the truth.
We discuss how to heal cancer, endometriosis, chronic diseases, autoimmune diseases, narcissistic abuse, female cycle syncing, hormonal nutrition, functional medicine, Ayurveda, Taoist Healing Love, Reiki, spirituality, sacred sexuality & mental health as well as the inconvenient truths of our modern health care system that keep these modalities hidden & falsely marketed so we’re left wondering why the hell no one knows about this.

I faced my own debilitating pain every month dealing with Endometriosis for over 17 years. After surgery, crossing over to the other side, and dying from the excruciating pain one too many times, I began to unravel all of the medical lies I had been told and educated myself on how women’s hormone’s actually work and I healed myself. I remember the first day I felt freedom, I could feel the shackles literally just fall off as I got present to the fact that I had minimal to no pain in my life with my intimacy, sex, and every month with my cycle.

What I learned through my experience is that all healing starts with being authentic (men AND women), which is why I encourage others to face all of their shit. And of course, I made (and continue to make) an ongoing art series (and VLOG) about it called Every Phase--'Live the art' with me as I create artwork that illustrates how I healed myself of endometriosis while I live by the phases of the female hormonal cycle.

Even though I was lied to for years by countless doctors promoting big pharma, I was able to find experts who helped me achieve what I thought was impossible. I'm using this space to introduce some of them as well as these practices to you.

Through my art I am healed, and I heal others.
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About your host

Profile picture for Meredith Ochoa

Meredith Ochoa

A true explorer and creative, Atlanta artist Meredith Ochoa began her visual arts journey in 2006 at 17 years old, after being a ballerina for 14 years, coming out of an eating disorder, and becoming fascinated with light and shadow– how one can only see the light because of the shadow and vice versa. This contrast showed up not only in her photography but in her life.

She started making her own pinhole cameras and began exploring the alchemy of the darkroom, so when she received a miraculous scholarship to SCAD, she was pretty upset about the digital 'takeover' within the photo world.

She decided to make a 'mockery' of digital photography--turning a scanner into a sort of 'large format' camera. This became an entire practice & technique within itself, and became the scanning process that she is known for today. The subject becomes the "negative" describing the subject digitally with a flattened focal plane.

This technique is depicted throughout her work and was the artistic beginning of her realization that all healing starts with being authentic. She describes her work with the statement…

Through my art I am healed, and I heal others.